Moringa Benefits: Everything You Need to Know About Moringa

Moringa Oleifera, also known as horseradish, drumstick, and various other colorful monikers, is a staple ingredient in traditional medicine. Thanks to its well-known health benefits and medicinal properties, it has been used as a soothing agent and as an overall health support aid by cultures worldwide for quite a while. The tree is native to India but can also be found in South America, Africa, and the rest of Asia.

In today's modern world, you can also experience moringa’s positive effects by looking for it in health supplements. 

Let's take a closer look at moringa and break down its possible health benefits in more detail.

What’s Inside Moringa?

Moringa is so beneficial in large part because of all the vitamins and minerals it contains. Overall, moringa includes:

  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, and B6, plus vitamin C
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Phosphorus

Even better, moringa is very low in fat and doesn’t contain any harmful cholesterol. In other words, it’s a super plant in terms of how helpful it may be for us humans! Because of all these helpful compounds, moringa is now found in various supplement products, including capsules, powders, and tea. 

Health Benefits From Moringa

Just what benefits can you expect from adding moringa to your diet or by finding it in your favorite supplements? Let’s explore the different health benefits moringa may be able to provide.

Hair and Skin Nourishment

For starters, moringa is known to provide some benefits for both your skin and hair, which are made of many of the same compounds, such as collagen. Moringa seed oil, in particular, may help defend your skin and hair cells from free radicals. Free radicals are free-floating molecules (usually from oxygen) that can corrupt or damage healthy cells and lead to cellular degradation. 

As an antioxidant, moringa seed oil may keep your hair clean and healthy and reduce free radicals from damaging those cells. Additionally, moringa is packed with protein. Your skin cells may use this to defend themselves from damage, remain hydrated, and detoxify themselves over time.

Liver and Organ Protection

In addition to providing benefits to your skin and hair, moringa may also help protect organs like your liver. As a soothing agent, moringa may help reduce fluid from building up in tissues throughout your body and stop your liver from sustaining damage caused by certain anti-tubercular drugs.

In many ways, moringa can help to support the wound healing process. A soothing agent like this may stop your body’s cells and tissues from swelling up too much and being unable to repair themselves.

Defense Against Germs

Illnesses can do a number on your body, reducing the effectiveness of your immune system, causing gastrointestinal or tissue problems, and much more. 

Supports Stomach Health

Moringa may help to manage stomach complaints and reduce symptoms of stomach problems. It is also high in vitamin B, which allows it to assist with the digestive process.

Bone Health Improvements

Your bones are vital for your body shape, your fitness, and your overall cellular health. Luckily for you, moringa has plenty of both calcium and phosphorus: two minerals that work together to keep your bones strong and healthy over time. Naturally, this is even more important as you get older and develop a higher risk of bone issues.

Furthermore, moringa’s soothing properties may provide some limited support with various bone issues.

Cardiovascular Support

The cardiovascular system is often damaged by our unhealthy diets and by contaminants or toxins in the environment.

But moringa extract is packed full of antioxidants that may help to reduce cardiac damage. Like the kinds found in moringa, antioxidants are well known to improve heart health and maintain cardiovascular robustness over time.

High Antioxidant Content

As has been touched on several times above, moringa is positively packed with antioxidants. This is a health benefit in and of itself because antioxidants are necessary to reduce discomfort and cellular damage throughout the body.

Reduced Blood Sugar/Pressure

Lastly, moringa may also help reduce blood pressure and blood sugar.

For the former, moringa may be able to lower blood sugar based on several studies. This is probably due to the presence of a compound called isothiocyanate. Maintaining low blood sugar is crucial because high blood sugar is linked to metabolic health issues, heart problems, and other conditions.

For the latter, moringa has Niaziminin and Isothiocyanate. Both of these compounds may prevent your arteries from thickening, which is usually a precursor to a blood pressure increase.


As you can see, moringa has a lot going for it, and it deserves its place as one of the most popular supplement ingredients in the modern industry. While it can’t solve all health issues by itself, its vitamin and mineral content has been proven to assist with various health problems across the board.

That’s the main reason why we’ve included moringa leaf as a key ingredient in Hope Health’s Immune + Organic Supplement. Combined with ingredients like vitamin C, ginger, and elderberry, these supplements may significantly improve your immune system while boosting vitality and energy. Try these supplements today, or check out the rest of our healthy, holistic supplements!



Moringa oleifera: A review on nutritive importance and its medicinal application | Science Direct

Promising features of Moringa oleifera oil: recent updates and perspectives | NCBI

Moringa Leaves Prevent Hepatic Lipid Accumulation in Guinea Pigs by Reducing the Expression of Genes Involved in Lipid Metabolism | NCBI

Cardiac Protective Effects of Moringa oleifera Seeds in Spontaneous Hypertensive Rats | NCBI

Effects of Moringa oleifera on Glycaemia and Insulin Levels: A Review of Animal and Human Studies | NCBI